
Since the company was founded in 1979, our focus has been on the development, design and production of measuring instruments for the determination of water levels and water quality in groundwater. Our philosophy has always been to produce as many components as possible in-house, thereby achieving a level of vertical integration and added value that is unrivaled on the market. Thanks to our decades of experience, we are therefore in the position to tackle almost any individual measuring task and to offer a suitable and smart solution. No matter whether a measuring site lies in the flooded area of ​​polders, whether a water quality measurement over many years should be installed autonomously in simple battery operation or whether simply artesian measuring points should be measured exactly.

Our experts draw on many years of experience, which is also characterized by practical work in the field and not only in theory. Exactly this experience is used by our development team for the design and development of new measuring instruments and technologies as well as in the further development of test series, in which each single device needs to proof its functionality.

Surface Water

When we were the first to use a pressure sensor for continuous level measurement in the early 90s, we were smiled by many. Meanwhile, a change has taken place and pressure sensors are among the first when it comes to perform a precise water level measurement in a river or lake.

Today we are a manufacturer of a precise and self-sufficient level measurement system; this with a smart device in battery operation. With a built-in GPRS module, real redundancy can be achieved at important measuring points without having solar panels or mains supply. Nevertheless, measured values ​​are frequently recorded every minute and transmitted in the hourly interval, in exceptional situations such as in flood situations, this happens even more frequently.

We are therefore looking forward to another exciting journey in hydrology and are happy to be a pioneer in the measurement technology, who is often treading new path and following new ideas.